Wednesday, May 2, 2007

spiderman3..darkside of our friendly neighborhood hero..

habis nonton spiderman3 nih, premiere hari ini.. 2b frank, its a lil bit creepy u know, peter had changed, not as humble as previous flicks, maybe he realized the joy of being hero.. i think sam raimi already fell into stereotype of superhero movie these days, showing the dark side of hero, still remember batman? or ghost rider? superman? u will see that even hero have their flaws..

compare2 spidey2, emang sedikit lebih bagus spidey2, some part of the movie terlalu dipaksakan, too many villains also be one of the burden in this movie, penonton jadi bingung, gak bisa konsen, and jalan cerita jadi dibikin sangat cepat, maunya untuk menjelaskan ke penonton, tapi jadi gak utuh rasanya.. n pete-nya itu lho, gak nguatin, since when pete cud dance, seduce girl, and have ability to put M.J in hi level of jealousy.. tapi not bad kok, kocak malah.. ya gara2 symbiote sih, so everything jadi mungkin.. it same like when clark kent get exposed with red kryptonite.. semacam itu lah..

tapi visual efeknya bener2 ngemanjain penonton, trust me.. jangan nonton dari vcd bajakan, u wont get the experience.. the venom! mantabh! sandman, keren.. new goblin, jauh lebih cool dari greengoblin.. n black spidey, not bad at all.. dan sound effectnya, mak nyosss! halah..

overall, puas deh nonton film ini, lupakan semua kekurangan filmnya, duduk yang nyante, jangan lupa beli pop-corn n coke dengan wrap gambar spiderman.. saranku, apalagi yang di jogja, beli tiket beberapa jam sebelum film dimulai, orang2 jogja lumayan gila superhero flicks, hehe..

1 comment:

sabins_girl said...


pengen numpang ngomentarin,, ^_^

kereeeen tauuu!!!!
sound effectnya maksudna,,,
bener bener TOP!
bener mak nyuuss,,,

ampe dua kali aku nonton! ^_^

kalo masalah cerita sich,,,
biasa ajah,,, ^_^